But But But…

Posted by: elraymundo at 8:06 am on Tuesday, September 8, 2009
From: Great Falls, Virginia
Filed under: Random

I surfed to a website called thefreedictionary.com because I was writing a smart-ass email making fun of a poorly written document and I wanted to make sure I remembered correctly that the word but is a conjunction, since it’s usually a good idea to make sure your own house has no glass walls before you go throwing rocks.

Anyway, I ended up not sending the email due to a suddent attack of tolerance. But I did notice these two advertisements on the dictionary website when I looked up the word but:

Girl Buts - up to 75% Less
Incredible prices. Find girl buts & save up to 75%.

Hot Chicks Making Out
Find hot chicks making out and Compare prices at Smarter.com.

Now, if you’ll pardon me, that’s just stupid.

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