Virginia Is for Haters

Posted by: elraymundo at 3:38 pm on Thursday, November 9, 2006
From: Great Falls, Virginia
Filed under: Politics, Stupid People

Virginia. Home of George Mason, author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, a document which outlined the specific rights of the individual and a document which inspired the Bill of Rights, also known as the first ten amendments of the US Constitution.

Virginia. Home of Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and Virginia’s Statute for Religious Freedom, a man who once said, regarding the rights of the individual, “The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them.”

Virginia. Home of George Washington. We all know what he did.

Virginia. Home to more Presidents than any other state in the Union; home of the Founding Fathers who built a nation based on tolerance, freedom from persecution (you know, for those Protestant Christians who fled Europe so they could worship without people burning them alive) and the inalienable rights of the individual.

Virginia. Home to a population which, on Tuesday, voted to deny a large number of its citizens (you know, people born and raised here - taxpayers, patriots) their basic fundamental legal and social rights. Rights like healthcare, raising children, owning a home with a white picket fence or enjoying the lifelong and legally recognized companionship of a spouse.

Virginia likes to think of itself as this kind of place:

Virginia Is for Lovers - HA!

The reality is closer to this:

Virginia Is for Haters

Way to go Virginia.


Comment by Commie Pinko Fag

11.12.06 @ 3:31 am

Are your people hatin on the 10%? I try not to watch the elections. Vote, yes. But my state just reupped Arnold the Letch…

Comment by El Raymundo

11.12.06 @ 1:05 pm

Are your people hatin on the 10%? I try not to watch the elections. Vote, yes. But my state just reupped Arnold the Letch…

Yes indeed, VA is hatin’ on the 10%. The state is for lovers, but apparently only if you don’t love like them…

Comment by Damon "Commie Pinko Fag"

11.15.06 @ 8:52 pm

Shit even CA has a peni + vagi = marriage law… And as David Sedaris says “it’s been so long since I’ve seen a vagina that if I saw one, I’d throw rocks at it…”

Comment by Joey

12.6.06 @ 5:04 pm

Ok…. this has been at the top of your blog for about a month now. Have you no news or witty anecdotes to share? :)

Comment by Elgordonck

12.7.06 @ 6:47 am

apparently VA is for slackers too ;)

Comment by El Raymundo

12.8.06 @ 2:04 pm

Ok…. this has been at the top of your blog for about a month now. Have you no news or witty anecdotes to share? :)

apparently VA is for slackers too ;)

Wow. Busted! ok ok ok ok ok I’ll get to work. Sheesh!

BTW, Stefan, I tried to leave a comment on your blog but it said I had to be a memeber to do so. Just a head’s up.

Comment by Tamsen

12.12.06 @ 3:25 pm

What they mean is, “Virginia is for lovers in the traditional, single minded meaning of the word.” It was just too long for a bumper sticker.

With so much hate in the world, WHY waste so much time fighting love? It sickens me.

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